03-28-2021, 05:00 PM
Hello Eric,
The pedal actions can be used for keyboard shortcuts, as a pedal action is nothing more than a mapping of a key to an action (as bluetooth pedals act like a computer keyboard and just send a key when pressed, such as "page down"). I do have plans to add a dedicated key bindings screen in the future for the Windows 10 version to make this more intuitive though. If there are specific shortcuts you need that aren't listed in the pedal actions, let me know what those are and we can discuss them. There are a few keyboard shortcuts that may not be immediately obvious:
1) Hitting F11 toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode
2) If you enter a search term in the search box on the library screen, one result shows up and you hit enter, it will load that song
3) If you enter a serach term in the search box and hit the down arrow, it will allow the keyboard to be used to select an entry in the list
4) If you hide the cursor in performance mode, escape brings the cursor back
5) If you hit 'S' while viewing songs in a setlist, it will bring up the search dialog to search for a song in the active setlist.
The pedal actions can be used for keyboard shortcuts, as a pedal action is nothing more than a mapping of a key to an action (as bluetooth pedals act like a computer keyboard and just send a key when pressed, such as "page down"). I do have plans to add a dedicated key bindings screen in the future for the Windows 10 version to make this more intuitive though. If there are specific shortcuts you need that aren't listed in the pedal actions, let me know what those are and we can discuss them. There are a few keyboard shortcuts that may not be immediately obvious:
1) Hitting F11 toggles between fullscreen and windowed mode
2) If you enter a search term in the search box on the library screen, one result shows up and you hit enter, it will load that song
3) If you enter a serach term in the search box and hit the down arrow, it will allow the keyboard to be used to select an entry in the list
4) If you hide the cursor in performance mode, escape brings the cursor back
5) If you hit 'S' while viewing songs in a setlist, it will bring up the search dialog to search for a song in the active setlist.