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Dropbox Sync failure
Hi Mike,

Thanks for getting back to me on this.
Having gone through the suggested points, I now have a different error 'status output (screenshot attached)

I've addressed the points you've raised below with my comments in red

1) For the file that the sync is failing on, can you load the song using that file and it displays correctly?
Yes, - I can open the file "13 The Musical"
If you go to Settings->Other Settings->Find Missing Files, how many missing files are reported?
I performed a missing file search. I was able to correctly find 30+ files either on the device or Dropbox that have now successfully been registered with my library. However there are another 20+ files that I have not been able to locate. I wonder if this could have a detrimental impact with this cloud sync problem?
2) Can you manually create the folder that the sync is failing on under the sync folder? I want to see if there is an error with the folder name that Dropbox is not allowing for some reason.
Yes - I was able to manually create "13 The Musical", in Dropbox
3) Is the file that the sync is failing on used by multiple songs or only a single song?

I'm not sure how I could determine if the library is using this song twice? Certainly isn't listed twice if I do a search for the song title.

From the screenshot attached you'll see that synchronisation fails at the very first song - "13 The Musical"?

As an aside, the synchronisation process involves uploading the .msb file to Dropbox, which I'm informed needs to occur before the sync can occur. When I manually perform a backup to DropBox I receive Java IO Exception error message warning - "The backup has failed to complete due to the following: Java.Io.Exception: write failed: ENOSPC(No space left on device)" This is unexpected as there is no a problem of space on either the samsung tablet, or Dropbox?
I was able to successfully create a backup to a folder on the sd card.
I wonder if this might shed some light on my above cloud sync problem?

Any more help would be appreciated


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

Messages In This Thread
Dropbox Sync failure - by derm - 07-28-2021, 01:10 AM
RE: Dropbox Sync failure - by Zubersoft - 07-28-2021, 02:35 AM
RE: Dropbox Sync failure - by derm - 08-01-2021, 06:16 AM
RE: Dropbox Sync failure - by Zubersoft - 08-01-2021, 10:09 AM
RE: Dropbox Sync failure - by derm - 08-03-2021, 03:18 AM
RE: Dropbox Sync failure - by Zubersoft - 08-03-2021, 04:55 AM

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