01-22-2022, 07:21 AM
Getting two Windows devices connected over bluetooth can be a little hit-or-miss I've found. First, try to connect the devices in the system bluetooth settings. You need to make sure one of the devices is discoverable, and then from the other device, you must pair with the other device. Once the devices are paired, open MobileSheets, go to the "Connect Tablets" dialog, set the connection type to bluetooth, then click the button for a new leader, set book mode enabled, then click OK. From the other device, bring up the Connect Tablets dialog, it should start searching for the other device over bluetooth, you should see it pop up, tap it, then click the Join Group button. If the two connect, you should then be able to load songs and turn pages. If this does not work, go to the bluetooth settings, unpair the devices, forget the pairing entirely, then try to initiate the connection just in MobileSheets and see if that works any better. It will have to pair the devices during the connection and you will have to accept the prompt that comes up. If you run into issues with this, let me know and I can try to work with you. WiFi is generally just easier and more reliable, but I can understand if you don't want to get a WiFi hotspot for this, and can't use your phone as a WiFi hotspot.