03-17-2022, 08:32 AM
I've been creating leadsheets using the annotation feature within MSP, on my HP 360 laptop/tablet, and saving these files in my dropbox folder as PDF files. The previous day I rearranged the folders within Dropbox where I save my back files for these leadsheets. I just now attempted to load and edit one of my leadsheets, and I'm unable to touch my PC screen to gain access to the MSP song editor. I've tried to look in settings to see if by mistake I might have disabled annotation editing. I can't find anything to explain why I can't get the annotation editor is display and allow editing of my leadsheets. I can open MSP, and it displays the songs/leadsheets within my imported database, and I can select and pull up a song/leadsheet (PDF). When I attempt to display the annotation editor by touching my touchscreen within the middle area of a song, it shifts to the next song. The only way I can return to the song listing is hit my ESC key. Previously I was able simply touch my screen, and the annotation menu would pop-up. Hopefully this is something simple. I'm in a time crunch for gig. Please assist.
Thanks in advance,
Thanks in advance,