07-16-2022, 02:41 AM
If you go to Settings->MIDI Settings->Configure MIDI Connections, you'll see a dropdown for the MIDI library. Try changing that to "Google", then when the input and output ports show up for the PA4x, tap them to connect, and if you see a successful connection, the next step is to test to see if the connection is working. Go to the Songs tab of the library screen, tap "New" at the top of the screen, go to the MIDI tab, tap the last icon on the right to bring up the MIDI listen dialog and then send MIDI commands from the keyboard. If commands show up, then you should be able to configure the MIDI messages you want to send/receive. If nothing shows up, you can try the other MIDI libraries, and if you still can't get it working, then I need to know what kind of cable you are using to connect the keyboard to the Android tablet, as that would point to some kind of hardware issue.