08-18-2022, 06:02 PM
Not without running database queries, but if you are comfortable running SQLite queries against the database (I can help provide the query to run), then you could update the text sizes for all text annotations at once. Text and chord pro files don't inherently support annotations, and they have no concept of a page size, so that is why annotations won't necessarily scale properly between devices or be positioned correctly. MobileSheets does try to account for this somewhat, but the problem is that the actual layout of the text file can be different on each device. In other forum threads, users have asked for a way to force MobileSheets to use a fixed page size for text/chord pro files so that everything will show up the exact same on each device. If you know one device is 1600x1200 (just as an example), then you could force pages to be that same number of pixels on the other device and pages would then render to that size. This could result in the page image being scaled up or down to fit though. So this is all something I'm considering in the future.