I am talking about support for MIDI messages. This allows you to set instruments on a keyboard when a song is loaded for example, or to load a song when a certain MIDI message is received from a keyboard.
NeoCZ - the features you mentioned are not going to be supported in version 5.0.0. To be honest, I hadn't even thought about adding support for those kinds of actions when MIDI commands are received. Having said that, it wouldn't be very difficult to add support for invoking actions in that manner. The only parts that would take time would be adding a separate screen for entering MIDI commands that are listened for that correspond to actions that effect every song (turn a page, start the audio playback, etc), and the addition of new database tables to store the MIDI commands to listen for.
NeoCZ - the features you mentioned are not going to be supported in version 5.0.0. To be honest, I hadn't even thought about adding support for those kinds of actions when MIDI commands are received. Having said that, it wouldn't be very difficult to add support for invoking actions in that manner. The only parts that would take time would be adding a separate screen for entering MIDI commands that are listened for that correspond to actions that effect every song (turn a page, start the audio playback, etc), and the addition of new database tables to store the MIDI commands to listen for.