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Missing comments with setlist export
Thanks Mike for your answer and test.

To start, I did the same test as you.
.msf export of a local file, deletion of the file, import, all on the same tablet.
Everything is ok too.

Then I did the export to Google Drive and the import to the phone where I had never had this file.
There too everything is ok.
So we both have the same positive result.

As my problem occurs with a Setlist, I created a Setlist in which I put the same file.
Export setlist .msf -> Delete (Setlist + file) -> Import .msf -> ok

Then I have the same via Google Drive and import on the phone.
There too I have my notes when I open the file.

So all these tests work, which a priori excludes version or support problems.

So I decided to redo the initial manipulation, the one that didn't work from scratch.
1. Export of my setlist with the audios on Google Drive
2. Import to phone (after deleting everything)

And there I have no notes!

To make it easier to send you, I redid an export by unchecking the audio files.
I tested the same way with the latter, still no notes.

So I can send you this .msf file which is 5mb. Tell me how to send it to you.
I'm just afraid that there are no notes in it and that we are not more advanced...

Messages In This Thread
Missing comments with setlist export - by CarlBcx - 11-05-2022, 09:03 AM
RE: Missing comments with setlist export - by CarlBcx - 11-10-2022, 06:17 AM

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