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Issue: Albums Metadata Field as List on PDF Import
(08-07-2023, 03:56 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: I didn't separate values by commas when processing the other fields.
>I didn't separate values by commas when processing the other fields <--Interesting. In looking closely at the 'Genres' field, my PDF docs have these separated by a comma and MobileSheets did (correctly in my opinion) bring each in as a separate item. Further, items that have spaces in them were *not* separated at the spaces (also correctly in my opinion). Only the commas caused a break into a separate item.

In doing a bit of research it seems that Adobe's spec is to consider either a comma or a semicolon as a break indicator for 'list' fields. forScore will NOT recognize a semicolon as a break character tho, which is why I have been using commas.

Also, in forScore only certain metadata fields are considered to be 'list' fields. The only fields in forScore that accept multiple entries are: Genres, Tags (MS=Keywords), and Books (MS=Albums).

For my part, having the composers field be a list field would be handy; tho at present all my scores have only a single composer entry due to forScore's limitation on this field, but some of my entries do have commas in them due to multiple composers. E.g., "Seifert, Johnston and Zanetti"

Having Genres, Keywords and Albums be list fields is sort of necessary for me to bring my forScore docs over without metadata loss.

Otherwise I'm fine with all other fields being single entry only.

But that's me - as to the larger community - this may merit broader input?

Finally, as to the list separator - yeah, that's a challenging one. Comma keeps it compatible with forScore *and* with my ~100 existing scores for which I have already put in the metadata using commas with exiftool. Tho I could probably update my own scores using a script. And as I haven't yet done my big forScore batch export/import yet I could transform the forScore exported commas into semicolons.

(I should note that any commas in titles and composer/arranger work fine in forScore because any non-list field just accepts all characters as no parsing is processed on those - I think per Adobe PDF specs?)

I'm going to take a shot at summarizing the above:

  1. For me I'm fine with either comma or semicolon as a list item separator.

  2. Semicolon likely better fits Adobe's specs. Tho may cause angst for folks making PDF scores that will be used by both forScore and MobileSheets users.

  3. Once MobileSheets has settled on separator, and which fields will be list fields, I will create a written process for mass conversion from forScore to MobileSheets. The process will involve making manipulations to the CSV metadata doc forScore exports, which I will document as clearly as I am able. (For example, in the columns that represent MobileSheets list fields, detecting separator characters and changing them to whatever MobileSheets will use.)

  4. Perhaps you, I and the community at-large will collaborate to decide on #2 above and achieve a good result for #3?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Issue: Albums Metadata Field as List on PDF Import - by Jeffrocchio@gmail.com - 08-07-2023, 07:09 AM

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