08-22-2023, 04:11 AM
Well that's very strange. I know it doesn't work on some tablets because they won't report three touch events at once through Google's SDK. However, on most devices I've tested on it, it works fine. There isn't a standard "three finger tap" type gesture in Google's framework. I had to implement custom gesture detection to handle this and ensure that it doesn't conflict with two finger gestures like zooming. The three finger tap does require that you don't move your fingers much between the touch down and touch up position. If you are using your finger tips and it doesn't work (versus the pads of your fingers), then something very strange is happening. I can work with you to test a build that writes out information about all of the touch events so we can understand what is happening, but short of that, there isn't a simple way to resolve this as it works fine on the 8+ Android tablets I've tested on.