Is there a limit to the amount of white space that can be removed with auto-crop, and is it more sensitive to side margins than to top and bottom margins? I'm generating songs containing PDF text files with lots of white space below the text but when I import them into MSheets, the vertical cropping only seems to remove about half of the white space at the bottom. I'm having to manually crop my imports to get them to what I want - very inconvenient with bulk imports. Any settings I've missed? (I tried the "aggressive crop" but there was no difference in the vertical cropping)
Background - I generate bulk PDFs using Microsoft Word. Word saves text as text and images as image within the PDF file. Rather than tailor the PDF's individually, I make them all 37cm long, so any song will fit on one page. As a result shorter songs have a lot of white space below but I don't want to see any of this white space when I'm viewing them in Mobile Sheets.
Background - I generate bulk PDFs using Microsoft Word. Word saves text as text and images as image within the PDF file. Rather than tailor the PDF's individually, I make them all 37cm long, so any song will fit on one page. As a result shorter songs have a lot of white space below but I don't want to see any of this white space when I'm viewing them in Mobile Sheets.