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Is it possible to link tablets with one page turner

I'll do my best to try to walk you through this. First off, the "Connect Tablets" feature is what allows multiple devices to be connected together, so I'm assuming you are utilizing that. The way this feature works is if a page turn is detected on the leader, it will send a page turn request to all of the follower tablets. A bluetooth pedal, by default, will just turn pages when you press a pedal switch, so the pedal itself is only communicating with a single device, but the leader device is the one that then sends out the page turn request to the other tablets. I just mention this so that you understand that the pedal is not communicating with all three devices. If you go to Settings->Touch & Pedal Settings->Pedal Actions, this is where you can see what actions will be triggered by the pedal. Given the state of your pedal right now, I'd like you to do the following: Under the pedal actions, tap the keys field for pedal 1, then tap Clear. Now press the pedal switch. Set the action for the pedal and repeat with the keys field for pedal 2. The actions should be set to "Go to previous page" and "Go to next page". No other pedal keys/actions should be set other than 1 & 2.

As far as the "back button" I'm referring to, every Android tablet (excluding Chromebooks) has a back button. It used to be a physical button, but now it just shows up in the navigation bar at the bottom of the screen. You should see three icons in the navigation bar - a recent button, home button and back button. The back button can be used to back out of any dialog, screen, etc. So yes, I'm referring to the tablet back button.

As far as the "Connect Tablets" prompts, if you are using bluetooth, the leader has to advertise that other devices can connect to it in order for them to see it. This uses a fair amount of energy which is why it only lasts for 120 seconds. If no device has connected within 120 seconds, but you later need to connect something, you have to click on the "Discoverable" toggle so that the leader starts advertising again. The follower devices will search for available devices for around 15 seconds, but you can turn the scan toggle back on if needed to start searching again. Once devices are connected, they stay connected. So there is no time limit on how long they will stay connected.

As far as your last question, a pedal switch can only trigger one action. How could it trigger both going forward and going backward? Those two would conflict with each other. Typically a user would set one pedal switch to go backward, and one pedal switch to go forward with a two-pedal unit. 


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RE: Is it possible to link tablets with one page turner - by Zubersoft - 10-04-2023, 03:11 AM

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