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Select sort method: last opened - everywhere?
You can already sort by last modified date on every other tab. That is the only similar type of sorting that is available. It wouldn't make sense to apply the recent tab sorting to other tabs where the entries on that tab aren't relevant for what was on the recent tab. i.e. sorting genres by what was recently loaded doesn't make sense if 80% of the genres aren't related to anything that was loaded. That would be a filter - not a sorting algorithm. I don't currently track when something was last loaded, or anything of that sort (I have entries in the database to track metrics, but I haven't had time to work on that yet). The recent tab is implemented a little differently as it's just a separate list I build in the database and I don't actually track when something was loaded - I just move it to the top of the list when it is loaded.


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RE: Select sort method: last opened - everywhere? - by Zubersoft - 11-06-2023, 06:17 AM

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