11-27-2023, 01:24 PM
Mike, I confess I was peeved that you simply repeated previous advice when I had a smoking gun that caching was not taking place as you described it. Image correction does improve matters considerably although it still seems clumsy that the engine is not loading two pages at a time when it must display two pages at a time. That means that even after image correction if I outpace the caching I still see the right (when advancing) or the left (when backing up) page lag.
Rather than cache specifically 10 pages maximum, perhaps allow for a cache size? I use this Chromebook for nothing else so I wouldn't mind giving over 2-3 of its 4GB to cache. In that event, I doubt this conversation would have ever arisen. (Although because I appreciate efficiency generally I am glad to have become acquainted with image correction.)
Rather than cache specifically 10 pages maximum, perhaps allow for a cache size? I use this Chromebook for nothing else so I wouldn't mind giving over 2-3 of its 4GB to cache. In that event, I doubt this conversation would have ever arisen. (Although because I appreciate efficiency generally I am glad to have become acquainted with image correction.)