02-14-2024, 01:35 PM
I've run into the same problem again. I deleted Wonderwall (the piece I was updating above) from all the libraries on the primary device (i.e. the one I import pieces to first). That deleted one of the two Wonderwall folders so I deleted the other one manually. I then re-imported the new version as a new piece to one of the libraries. I also imported a new piece to the same library. I then exported the two pieces as a single msf and imported it into the other libraries. When the two pieces were imported into the other libraries they had both been stripped of their setlist data. All the other data was fine. I added in the setlist data to the libraries that were missing it and synced all four libraries to the cloud then synced the other 3 devices to the cloud folders. No metadata seems to have been lost through the various syncs. I think I was wrong about the data being stripped by the sync, it seems like it's being lost during the export to msf. Would you mind trying to reproduce that?
Just FYI, when I re-imported Wonderwall to the 4 libraries on my primary device I only ended up with one Wonderwall folder on that device as you'd expect. After I'd synced the other 3 devices to the cloud folders they still had both Wonderwall folders even though I deleted both before starting, and both folders were needed - if I deleted one then one or more of the libraries wouldn't be able to find the pdf. I imagine that means that the piece is being put into one folder in some of the libraries and randomly into the other in other libraries and the unneeded folder isn't being deleted. I imagine I could manually delete both folders from the cloud before syncing and then I'd only end up with one folder for the piece in the cloud and one for the piece in each secondary device rather than two.
Anyway, I understand that you haven't really fully fleshed out the multiple libraries feature and that once versioning is introduced I shouldn't have a need for multiple libraries with the same pieces because then it will presumably all be in one library anyway but I thought I'd let you know what was happening just in case it's useful. If you could check whether there's a problem with exporting to msf that would be great.
Just FYI, when I re-imported Wonderwall to the 4 libraries on my primary device I only ended up with one Wonderwall folder on that device as you'd expect. After I'd synced the other 3 devices to the cloud folders they still had both Wonderwall folders even though I deleted both before starting, and both folders were needed - if I deleted one then one or more of the libraries wouldn't be able to find the pdf. I imagine that means that the piece is being put into one folder in some of the libraries and randomly into the other in other libraries and the unneeded folder isn't being deleted. I imagine I could manually delete both folders from the cloud before syncing and then I'd only end up with one folder for the piece in the cloud and one for the piece in each secondary device rather than two.
Anyway, I understand that you haven't really fully fleshed out the multiple libraries feature and that once versioning is introduced I shouldn't have a need for multiple libraries with the same pieces because then it will presumably all be in one library anyway but I thought I'd let you know what was happening just in case it's useful. If you could check whether there's a problem with exporting to msf that would be great.