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Version 3.8.32 Released (Important notes for Windows users)
Version 3.8.32 is now available for Android and iOS and is awaiting approval in the Microsoft Store for Windows. FastSpring Windows users can already download and install the update if desired. One of the biggest changes for Windows is the entire rendering engine has been replaced with Skia, which is the same rendering engine used by Android. This change has brought about some significant benefits:
  • Using the same codebase reduces how much time has to be spent porting changes, and reduces the likelihood of Windows-specific bugs
  • Skia is considerably faster at measuring text than the old engine (Win2D). This means that text and chord pro files load considerably faster, which is the most apparent when loading a setlist containing many text and chord pro files. What may have taken 8-10 seconds before will now take less than a second.
  • Unusual rendering issues occured on ARM-based devices like the Surface Pro X, especially with annotations (weird streaks and lines would show up on the screen). These issues are not present with the new implementation.
  • I spent a lot of time and effort optimizing pinch zooming with the new rendering engine, so it is now possible to zoom in further, and it will be much smoother than before
  • The new implementation does not rely on GPU rendering which may improve the stability across devices with different hardware
While I did an extensive amount of testing with three different devices, it's possible there may be issues that occur that I was unable to catch. For users that have performances coming up, I would recommend disabling automatic updates and only updating when there is no risk. 

The update also contains some important fixes for Android and iOS. Version 3.8.33 is currently awaiting approval for iOS to fix a crash related to the annotation layers window. The full list of changes can be found below:

Changes Affecting All Platforms
  • Fixed issue where "Automatically Add Matching Audio" would not work when importing through a cloud service
  • The audio player tempo and pitch shift buttons are now tinted to show when a tempo adjustment or pitch shift is active
  • Added option while synchronizing to only show differences
  • Tapping a song in the left-side list in the group editor will now scroll the right-side list to that song
  • Fixed issue where hiding the bookmarks window with a touch action wouldn't stop it from being shown when the overlay is displayed
  • The notes popup is now automatically hidden if a different song or setlist is loaded while using the connect tablets feature
  • Added support for populating tempos through PDF metadata
  • Added icon to the layers window to control whether the active layer is automatically expanded
  • The annotations editor will now properly respect landscape half page turn positions when turning pages with the single page display mode
  • Added code to ensure only valid tempos are assigned through PDF metadata or csv files
  • Added code to prevent an invalid cropping rectangle from being used with automatic cropping
  • Fixed incorrect label in the library window settings, and also fixed the collapse icon color when night mode is active
  • Text and ChordPro files will now ignore | characters on chord lines when calculating if a line is mostly chords
Android v3.8.32
  • Fixed issue where MobileSheets could potentially load in an invalid state if it was suspended in the backgrounded
  • Fixed PDF rendering issues on some devices when rendering preference is set to "Speed"
  • Fixed bug with deleting a bookmark where multiple prompts could be displayed
  • Fixed bug where adjusting the contrast or brightness in the image correction screen would prevent any further adjustments from taking effect
  • Fixed issue with the face gesture screen on smaller devices
  • FastSpring users will now download updates through a CDN which can speed up downloads for some users significantly
Windows v3.8.32
  • Replaced entire rendering framework with Skia which provides many new benefits
  • Fixed rendering issues on ARM-based devices like the Surface Pro X by switching to Skia
  • Optimized zooming implementation to provide smoother zooming at higher levels
  • Significantly faster loading of text and chord pro files now due to fast text measurement with Skia
  • FastSpring users will now download updates through a CDN which can speed up downloads for some users significantly
  • Fixed incorrect display of ignored articles in the settings
  • Fixed issue with keywords not being sychronized with the library sync feature
  • Fixed issue with horizontal scrollbar interfering with icons in annotations command bar
  • Fixed issue with release notes not correctly using the user's preferred date format
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.32
  • Fixed issue with files uploaded to OneDrive containing spaces being incorrectly encoded
  • Fixed bug with disconnecting and reconnecting bluetooth MIDI devices that would cause duplicate connections
  • Fixed incorrect error message when setting the metronome to visual only
  • Colons are no longer allowed in filenames and are stripped from any imported file to ensure compatibility with other platforms
  • Fixed bug where directories in the MobileSheets folder could be incorrectly deleted under certain situations
  • Increased maximum zoom allowed on pages by ~60%
  • Fixed text color bug when "Use Dark Theme" is enabled at the same time as "Skip Viewing Groups with One Song"
  • Fixed issue with the switch library screen not working properly on phones

Messages In This Thread
Version 3.8.32 Released (Important notes for Windows users) - by Zubersoft - 03-02-2024, 06:02 PM

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