I'm more concerned that you didn't grant either the storage permission or the all files access permission in the tablet settings for MobileSheets, as it sounds like MobileSheets can't load the files in the library. Does that library backup size seem consistent with what you would have expected? If you are using PDFs, that's only around 60-120 PDFs, depending on the average size and number of pages. This is assuming you did not add audio files. If you go to Settings->Other Settings->Find Missing Files, are all files reported as missing or only some?
Not keeping the application data was the right decision so long as you have a valid backup file to restore. Also, it would be best if you uninstall, reinstall and then try out the stamps list to verify it looks correct after reinstalling. If it looks invalid after restoring the library backup file, you can uncheck the option to "Restore settings" while restoring the backup to address that.
Not keeping the application data was the right decision so long as you have a valid backup file to restore. Also, it would be best if you uninstall, reinstall and then try out the stamps list to verify it looks correct after reinstalling. If it looks invalid after restoring the library backup file, you can uncheck the option to "Restore settings" while restoring the backup to address that.