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iPad Sync library doesn't add a new song.
MobileSheets will not delete songs in the library if files are deleted in the Dropbox folder. That's not how that feature is designed to work. There is not a one-to-one correlation of files to songs in MobileSheets (multiple songs can share the same file), and songs can have multiple files in them. So a simple file-based sync is not applicable. That is why MobileSheets uploads a copy of the entire library and database to the sync folder so that comparisons can be done to see how the two libraries differ. It's generally much better to just import the file on your tablet, then sync the change to the Dropbox folder. An automatic sync option will be added later this year or early next year (I have a lot of other things to finish first).

If you enable the option to "Search for new files..." this will pick up new PDFs, but that is so much slower than just importing files normally that I would not recommend it.


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RE: iPad Sync library doesn't add a new song. - by Zubersoft - 06-02-2024, 11:20 AM

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