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Sizing on Windows and MobileSheets Storage Location

1. Initial Display Size: MobileSheets always starts maximized. 
  • Is there a setting to open it to the smaller size (which is set when you click the 4 opposing arrows in the lower right menu)? I am happy to regedit or hex edit if necessary. 

2. Display ratio: I have plans to perhaps buy the Samsung S9 (16x10 screen) as it is a lot cheaper than the ipad (4x3 screen). I currently have a second gen ipad and everything looks good. Any thoughts on stretching the sheets to fit 16x10 rather than having black lines across the bottom of the sheets? This is mentioned a couple of times in https://www.zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/f...ht=samsung
  • Is there a setting that would adapt to the new screen ratio, or is it just a case of black bars when displaying the music? 
  • There was a comment: "  I set my alignment to top, turn on Show Library Window, and park my set list or song list down in the empty space." but I don't really know what that means. 
3. Storage Location: My Windows 11 default location is: C:\Users\AndyT\AppData\Local\Packages\41730Zubersoft.MobileSheets_ys1c8ct2g6ypr\LocalState
I am using a data drive and directory: D:\MobileSheets. This is frequently backed up, whereas C isn't. 
I am just about to start loading the app, but I have read some posts where you recommend to "leave it as managed" 
  • I would really like to use my data drive as that is backed up frequently but am I going to run into problems? 
  • Any issues when I start to export/import libraries between say windows and android/ios? 
  • Is there something else that I am missing


- Andy

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Sizing on Windows and MobileSheets Storage Location - by AndyT - 06-20-2024, 08:08 AM

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