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Setting up DUO BT-500 on Windows, and AirTurn app
This is a quick kind of hand-holding question that really requires a "yes" or "no" answer ...

Having recently come to my senses (I think), and realized that I have a perfectly capable Windows tablet that I can use for MobileSheets (rather than my Chromebook or buying an Android tablet), I've installed MobileSheets there and acquired an AirTurn DUO BT-500 for pedal control.  I've read previous threads on this -- including Mike's (repeated) short list of how to set this up, but I still have one question I'd like answered just to be sure I haven't missed something.  Shy Rolleyes

AirTurn has a fairly sophisticated and complex app for configuring their products.  It looks cool, but I don't really want to devote any of my life to digging into that if it's totally unnecessary.  Mike's instructions mention nothing about the AirTurn app, but that approach seems to imply that the AirTurn app should (or can) simply be ignored, and that the device can be perfectly well set up for MobileSheets with the simple instructions Mike provides.  That would be wonderful.

So the simple question is:  "Is this true -- that I should just ignore the AirTurn app as unnecessary for my purposes with MobileSheets?"  (A secondary question woud be "Is the AirTurn app of any value or utility in using a DUO BT-500 with MobileSheets?")

[Edit (later that same day):  This question has now become mostly moot for me since I have MobileSheets on my Windows tablet set up now to do half-page vertical scrolling -- which is pretty much my basic need and works well.  However, it seems that the settings/options in MobileSheets support only a "single tap" for a pedal and can't handle a double-tap for a separate action.  So, for example, it appears that I can't control both scrolling and "go back to ..." or "go forward too ...", etc. with the pedals as well: a pedal controls only a single action.  Am I right about this?]
Gary H. Merrill

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Setting up DUO BT-500 on Windows, and AirTurn app - by ghmerrill - 07-15-2024, 12:28 AM

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