(08-24-2024, 03:48 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: For tempo, just insert "Tempos" or "tempos" using a tool that can insert XMP metadata. For time signature, insert "Signature". Title is a standard field that any tool that handles metadata should support. When looking at a file in Adobe, it has it listed under Dublin Core Properties->dc:title.
It's starting to work, with some issues though (see other topic).
However, the signature is never imported (it's in the PDF file as "Signatures"), any way to troubleshoot this?
Please see attached pdf, this song is imported as "Test song" and not "Test song - C" with "use filename as title".
In the import all added metadata is imported, except the singature.
Also, when I import this file twice with the same settings, I do not get a duplicate file alert and have the song twice in the database.