08-07-2012, 08:54 AM
It was McAfee. Again. It's odd what apparently fixed it, though. Here's the odd thing. I had the security level set to "Full access - Give all my programs full internet access." That should not prevent the companion from connecting, I would think. So, what I did to make it work was to change the security level to "Monitored Access - Allow known programs on my PC to automatically connect to the internet and notify me when programs are unrecognized." That's counter-intuitive, but I was thinking that perhaps McAfee would ask me if the companion could access the internet and I could give it permission. It did not ask, but did allow the tablet to connect to the companion. Doesn't make any sense to me, but at the present time, it is working. It's possible that McAfee had a problem that was fixed by an update.
Thanks again for your help. I'm a retired programmer, and I can tell you from experience, this computer stuff is a mystery even to us technical types sometimes. LOL
Thanks again for your help. I'm a retired programmer, and I can tell you from experience, this computer stuff is a mystery even to us technical types sometimes. LOL