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Page Drag or Page Turn in Vertical Scrolling Mode

My default display mode is "Vertical Scrolling" as many of my sheet music involve passages written over two pages (bottom of page 1 through top of page 2).   As I approach the bottom of page 1, I use "page drag" gesture to advance the view to include the top of the next page.   The page drag appears possible only in the vertical scrolling mode, which also supports usual "page turn" by touching left/right side of the screen.  As soon as I finished playing the current passage extending to the top of page 2, I use "page turn" gesture to update the view to see page 2 in its entirety.  Note that I need to touch the right side of the screen to move to page 2.

That's at least what I am trying to do. I play wind instruments which require holding by hands.  My right hand is always under the thumb rest to support the instrument (clarinet, saxophones, etc).  That means my left hand must do the maneuver.  I can do "page drags" without  any problems.   Page turns require touching left or right sides of the screen for backward or forward turns.  My right hand can do the forward page turns very well as my left hand does backward turns.  But when I try FORWARD turn with my LEFT hand, the success rate drops dramatically.  I believe there are two problems:

1. Page turn gesture requires touching the screen and holding it for a while.  Reaching the right side of the screen with the left hand takes an extra time. When I play, I am in such a hurry, I remove the finger too quickly, so it becomes a page drag gesture instead.
2.  When I use my left hand to touch the right side of the screen, it blocks my view and my eyes can't track the current position in the music. 

I tried using bluetooth page turners but decided against it for various reasons.

My suggestion:
 - allow users to select page turn areas (LEFT or BOTTOM areas for FORWARD turns)

 Thank you

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Page Drag or Page Turn in Vertical Scrolling Mode - by kalpar - 11-14-2024, 12:10 PM

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