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Bug: when switching layer visibility, you must exit and enter before it is visible.
Hi, did you get this problem solved? I now have it the same way you described, but on a Surface pro 8 (Win 11, MSP 3.9.7): The layer change triggered by a touch zone will only get visible if I exit and reenter the song (changing to the next song and back again, does work, too). I sync the library to an iPad and an iPhone, these don't have the problem. I tried with another library on my Surface pro 8, but the problem persists there as well. On my Surface pro 4 (Win 10), I don't have the problem. I remember it worked on the pro 8 as well, but that was a while ago... maybe an update introduced the problem? I don't use this feature too often, only if I play the same song in different bands in different ways - but then changing quickly is important... so if you have any ideas what to try, these will be welcome.  Wink

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RE: Bug: when switching layer visibility, you must exit and enter before it is visible. - by Waldbaer - 12-08-2024, 09:41 AM

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