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Recommend a 4:3 Android tablet?
A little off-topic but in an attempt to be helpful can I suggest that you also look at the screen resolution. I have an iPad and this year bought a really cheap Android tablet. The low resotion (600 pixels wide) is so low that my songs are far more difficult to read than on my iPad. So, nothing about the screen aspect ratio you are asking about but one more thing to bear in mind to help you choose the best tablet that will work for you.

Messages In This Thread
Recommend a 4:3 Android tablet? - by tlevine - Yesterday, 10:10 AM
RE: Recommend a 4:3 Android tablet? - by Rey_a - Yesterday, 07:37 PM
RE: Recommend a 4:3 Android tablet? - by Lester - Yesterday, 08:21 PM

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