So, please be aware that the half page turn with a smart button really only makes sense in a few scenarios:
1) You are using the vertical scrolling display mode and want it to turn half a page.
2) You are using the app in landscape orientation with the single page display mode and half pages displayed in landscape. This will scroll to the bottom half of the page.
If you are using the single page display mode in portrait and are expecting it to turn half a page, that will not work, because that display mode does not support a half page turn. The same is true of the two page display mode.
1) You are using the vertical scrolling display mode and want it to turn half a page.
2) You are using the app in landscape orientation with the single page display mode and half pages displayed in landscape. This will scroll to the bottom half of the page.
If you are using the single page display mode in portrait and are expecting it to turn half a page, that will not work, because that display mode does not support a half page turn. The same is true of the two page display mode.