10-31-2014, 02:34 PM
(01-22-2014, 10:26 PM)jeffn1 Wrote: Hello:
Was Cropping and Position Zoom implemented yet?
I need to preface this reply by asking if what is meant here is the ability to set the default view of a PDF to a certain portion of the page and to make that portion fill the screen.
If this description is accurate, then I have an answer to my question. If not, then the description tells you exactly what I want to do. I have many individual tune PDFs that take up half a page. When I load them into MS, and select them, the entire page shows on the screen, not just the part on which the tune is printed.
With about 850 tunes loaded into MS, it's a major chore to edit and resize each tune individually, but this appears to be the only method that will work.
If anyone has a work-around for this, I would appreciate it.
I have already asked Mike Z about wirelessly connecting my tablet to my PC so I can use MS Companion. After his response and a query to the manufacturer, I find that I cannot connect, so can't use MS Companion to set up tunes. (RCA 10.1" tablet, by the way.)