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My license check has failed...AGAIN!!!

First, let me ask: where did you purchase the application from? With v3.8, I've fixed SlideME to only ask once for a license check. Once this is approved, it caches the information and won't ask again. With versions earlier than v3.8, it asks only twice - once initially, and once several weeks later to ensure you didn't ask for a refund.

Having said all that, are you uninstalling the application or clearing the data? Those are the only ways that your saved license information would be cleared, and it would ask for it again. If you have wifi access, you shouldn't have to email me anything. It should just pass the license check, and that's it. If that is not occurring, then I will need more information as to where you purchased the application, and how many devices you are installing on, if more than one. There could be an issue where it's rechecking more than needed. If so, I'll take care of it ASAP.

I apologize that you had problems with the license check. I have to do something to ensure my product isn't just handed around for free, which is a serious problem with Android devices. You can submit the email without the transaction ID, and I will verify your information based upon your email address. There is a send button - just ensure that all of the fields have information in them, and it should be at the bottom of the dialog.


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RE: My license check has failed...AGAIN!!! - by Zubersoft - 11-22-2012, 03:51 AM

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