04-16-2015, 01:36 AM
It's definitely one of my goals. Just to put it in perspective why this is going to be difficult, I'm currently using code Google provides to load and play back audio files. That means I don't have to worry about how to actually read a .mp3 versus a .wav, and I don't have to worry about sending that data through the hardware to play it. My audio player basically just sits on top of this and controls the current position of the track. If I want to support altering the audio myself, such as supporting EQ or tempo changes, I have to start processing all that raw audio data, and that means writing my own audio player engine in essence. The good news is that there are open source libraries that help with doing things like pitch shifting, so I won't be doing it completely on my own. Regardless, this is a pretty huge change, and would require a significant amount of work.