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Control Lightshow with MobileSheets
Hi everyone. I want to use this thread to show how I as a drummer of a rockband use MobileSheets to control my band and our light shows. Maybe you need a similar solution or have suggestions on how to improve my setup? Smile

I use MobileSheets on my tablet, connected to our mixer and an AUX routed to my inear, so I can hear the click. I use the "auto page switch" and "auto start click when song is loaded" option, simply because I cannot switch while playing Wink

Now the interesting part: Light show..

I use DMXIS to program shows for each song. When playing live, I further have a Cubase project opened with a tempo track for the different song tempos, an arranger list which reflects our setlist (i.e. order of tempos in cubase) and two MIDI tracks (1xch15 -> bank switch, 1xch16 -> preset switch) for my DMXIS VST Plug-In. I use the Cubase tempo track since I have DMXIS faders set to song's BPM and MobileSheets has no possibility to synchronize its click with anything else... anyway... 

Now I connect my Tablet with an USB-OTG adapter to a USB-to-MIDI device and plug it in my external sound-card's MIDI in/out of my Laptop (running Cubase). I configured every Song in MobileSheets to fire a MIDI CC note when loaded. When everything is set up correctly, Cubase will receive this MIDI note. In Cubase, I configured the generic MIDI controller to interpret this MIDI note and perform the action "Play".

So what happens when I play a gig is the following: Cubase arranger list points at the very first song A, ready to play the arranger part A. I load song A on MobileSheets, which 1) starts my click in MobileSheets and 2) starts the arranger part/song in Cubase, which I previously programmed to the exact same length of the song. When the song starts in Cubase, one MIDI track tells DMXIS to change the bank (which can be considered a song in DMXIS) to bank "Song A" and the other MIDI track tells DMXIS when to fire a preset (e.g., blackout, flash, all red lights on) as the song proceeds. The result: I have a tight band an autonomous light show which perfectly matches song timing.

I hope future updates of MobileSheets provide more MIDI functionality so I can skip Cubase and simply control my lightshow with MobileSheets and DMXIS.

Messages In This Thread
Control Lightshow with MobileSheets - by scientit - 12-14-2016, 10:28 PM

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