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Change page with MIDI via WIDI JACK
Hi! i'm really enjoying this app!

As a drummer i sometimes need to turn pages in some places that are not very comfortable using a pedal, this happens because i'm usually using all of my limbs.

I'm currently in an orchestra that plays to a click track, the whole show is synced to video and lighting via SMPTE, triggered from a CYMATIC LP-16.
This fact made me consider the possibility to turn pages automatically through MIDI signal, which is a capability that the LP-16 has, so i decided to give it a shot. 

I bought a device called WIDI JACK, that sends and receives MIDI via bluetooth. I was able to establish a connection to the device using an app called MIDI+BTLE, and successfully used my tablet as a MIDI controller and also a MIDI playback device using a piano app to test this. It turned out to work great and has very low latency. The app is called MIDI Piano by DreamHound studios. The source im using to perform these tests is Pro Tools going to a simple  audio interface that has MIDI jacks, where the BT device is connected.

Now here comes the issue, even-thought MobileSheets shows the device, and is able to connect to it; when i'm under the app's MIDI actions menu and go to the command listener, it is not able to "listen" to any commands i send, so i have no way to trigger any actions. I mainly tried notes and parameter settings. When a command is sent, the WIDI JACK blinks so i know im sending information.

I've tried changing various options and settings, including channels, devices, MIDI libraries, etc. But still no luck.  I'm at a loss here. 

The thing that gets me is that i was able to make the piano app work, so the connection is successfully established to my tablet and information is able to travel in and out of it (samsung galaxy tab s7 FE).

I really thank anyone who takes the time to answer in advance.

Messages In This Thread
Change page with MIDI via WIDI JACK - by FrancoRod - 08-17-2022, 02:11 AM
RE: Change page with MIDI via WIDI JACK - by Akki - 11-25-2023, 04:02 PM
RE: Change page with MIDI via WIDI JACK - by Akki - 11-27-2023, 04:58 AM

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