Thank you for taking the time to write that all up zissakos. I'll respond to each request below:
- option to hide the grey rows with the initial letters in the song library
This would actually cause a huge number of issues due to the way those lists are currently implemented. Unless the ability to turn those off is requested by a large number of users, I'm afraid the amount of work it would take is not worth the gain.
- alphabet jump letters don't adapt to the song library (e.g. unicode song titles)
I've actually already fixed this in v5.0.0. The alphabet list will only show letters that correspond to songs in the library.
- Importing multiple files
Very interesting idea. I'm going to change the batch import process significantly in v5.0.0. As part of this, I think it makes sense to provide the option to either select a directory, or select multiple files.
- (Batch) Import directly into a (new) setlist/collection
I can absolutely add this.
- option to switch off the "Load All" entry in song library/setlists
I can look into removing the "Load All" entry, but if you disable the "Always Load Whole Setlist" option, that means you never have any way of loading all of the songs in a setlist. If I add another option for removing the "Load All" entry, it's implementation would therefore depend on whether the "Always Load Whole Setlist" was checked or not...
I guess the simpler answer is, I can just get rid of the ability to load individual songs from a setlist. This means you cannot use a setlist as means to group songs that you might want to load individually. It would really help to know how many users take advantage of this capability.
Companion PC app:
- companion PC app cannot batch import files with unicode names, while the app can.
I think I may have fixed this at one point, but the bug must be back. I will have to look into it some more - thanks.
- does not allow dragging multiple songs to add to a setlist
I will have to see how feasible this is. If it's not too hard to fix, I will, but otherwise, you can always just double-click on entries to add them as you go.
- give us an option to sort by import date
Interesting idea. I think this has some merit even after I add the import into setlist. There have been times I would have liked to quickly view the last couple songs I added, as they are the ones I'm most interested in playing. Thanks for the suggestion.
Control other tablets over bluetooth
I absolutely want to add support for this. My vision for MobileSheets at this point is to support Android, iOS, and Windows 8. If I can achieve that, and make all of the different versions work with each other, I think it will allow more bands/choirs/etc to move forward with using tablets with less effort.
- option to hide the grey rows with the initial letters in the song library
This would actually cause a huge number of issues due to the way those lists are currently implemented. Unless the ability to turn those off is requested by a large number of users, I'm afraid the amount of work it would take is not worth the gain.
- alphabet jump letters don't adapt to the song library (e.g. unicode song titles)
I've actually already fixed this in v5.0.0. The alphabet list will only show letters that correspond to songs in the library.
- Importing multiple files
Very interesting idea. I'm going to change the batch import process significantly in v5.0.0. As part of this, I think it makes sense to provide the option to either select a directory, or select multiple files.
- (Batch) Import directly into a (new) setlist/collection
I can absolutely add this.
- option to switch off the "Load All" entry in song library/setlists
I can look into removing the "Load All" entry, but if you disable the "Always Load Whole Setlist" option, that means you never have any way of loading all of the songs in a setlist. If I add another option for removing the "Load All" entry, it's implementation would therefore depend on whether the "Always Load Whole Setlist" was checked or not...
I guess the simpler answer is, I can just get rid of the ability to load individual songs from a setlist. This means you cannot use a setlist as means to group songs that you might want to load individually. It would really help to know how many users take advantage of this capability.
Companion PC app:
- companion PC app cannot batch import files with unicode names, while the app can.
I think I may have fixed this at one point, but the bug must be back. I will have to look into it some more - thanks.
- does not allow dragging multiple songs to add to a setlist
I will have to see how feasible this is. If it's not too hard to fix, I will, but otherwise, you can always just double-click on entries to add them as you go.
- give us an option to sort by import date
Interesting idea. I think this has some merit even after I add the import into setlist. There have been times I would have liked to quickly view the last couple songs I added, as they are the ones I'm most interested in playing. Thanks for the suggestion.
Control other tablets over bluetooth
I absolutely want to add support for this. My vision for MobileSheets at this point is to support Android, iOS, and Windows 8. If I can achieve that, and make all of the different versions work with each other, I think it will allow more bands/choirs/etc to move forward with using tablets with less effort.