12-20-2015, 02:17 AM
(12-18-2015, 10:04 AM)Zuberman Wrote: That seems a little odd to me. If you are transposing three steps up, and then you go down one step, why would that change to flats suddenly?
I was imagining that each press of the "up" button would transpose a semi-tone up and use sharps and each press of the "down" button would transpose a semi-tone down and use flats taking the current displayed (unsaved) key as the starting point.
So starting from C, if you want to get to Db, one up goes to C#, another up goes to D (all using sharps) and one down goes to Db (using flats). That way you can get to where you want without going round 11 steps and you can switch between sharps and flats by going one up, one down or one down, one up.
I'm not adverse to a "swap" button, but I think the up/down buttons should also behave as I describe.
Hope that's clearer