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MobileSheetsPro 1.3.1 and MobileSheetsPro Companion 2.2.3 Released
Updates have been released for both MobileSheetsPro and the companion application. These updates include some big changes like support for splitting up PDFs using CSV files and PDF bookmarks. I'm in the process of updating the manual to include more information on all of this.  I will provide instructions at the end of this post for how CSV files must be formatted. The full list of changes can be seen below:

MobileSheetsPro v1.3.1
  • Added new import option to create multiple songs from one PDF using bookmarks or .csv files
  • Added new pedal modes for advancing through songs and looping to the start/end
  • Added supporting for viewing and using PDF bookmarks in the bookmarks window
  • Added new setting to automatically import and convert PDF bookmarks to MobileSheets bookmarks
  • Fixed bug with sharing popup menu not putting the most recently used items at the top
  • Added support for batch importing audio files (creates songs with blank pages)
  • Added new setting to move the alphabet list to the left side of the screen for left handed users
  • Added support for automatically associating imported files with audio files whose name matches
  • Fixed bug that caused settings to always be restored from backup files
  • Added support for the "Starred" and "Shared with Me" folders on Google Drive
  • If an initial path is invalid, the file browser will now go to the root directory
  • Added checkbox to song editor audio tab for automatically playing a track when a song is loaded
  • Fix bug that can occur when using the "Import into MobileSheets" option from an external application
  • Tapping the music symbol on the setlists tab now correctly loads a song and beings playing back audio
  • Fixed issue with restoring backups with the "Add Unique Id to Filenames" setting enabled
  • Fixed issue with batch importing chord pro files where the lists of artists grows with each file
  • Fixed issue where half page turns don't work if the page is too small
  • Fixed issue with the Metronome "Apply to All Songs in Setlist" button not working correctly
  • Fixed issue with transposing minor chords that can cause a crash
  • Fixed a number of render issues with chord pro files
  • Modified cancellation message on song editor screen to have explicit save/discard buttons
  • Fixed issue with tapping PDF links that launch other applications
  • Added ability to manually sort the songs on all song group tabs (albums/artists/genres/etc)
  • Fixed issue with reading proper text file encoding before extracting title and other fields
MobileSheetsPro Companion v2.2.3
  • Added the option to sort all group tabs manually
  • Fixed bug with library restore always restoring settings regardless of selection
  • Added auto-start audio checkbox to audio tab
  • Updates for compatibility with latest tablet release
CSV Format

In order to use CSV files, it's expected that either a PDF with the exact same name as the CSV is present in the same directory or the first line of the CSV has a path to a valid PDF file. Then the fields to populate must come next. Two columns are required: title and pages. Other supported column names includes:
  • artists
  • albums
  • genres
  • composers
  • source types
  • custom groups
  • keys
  • signatures
  • custom
  • custom2
  • tempos
  • difficulty
  • duration
  • rating
  • years
  • sort title
  • audio files
  • keywords
  • setlists
  • collections
If a column is listed (other than title and pages) that you don't to populate for a song, you can leave it blank. All columns must be comma-delimited. Each value must be delimited using the | character. So, the following example could be used:


Neither composer or tempo is listed for the second song. When the CSV is imported, both songs will be listed and can be created at once if desired.


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MobileSheetsPro 1.3.1 and MobileSheetsPro Companion 2.2.3 Released - by Zubersoft - 01-03-2016, 06:52 PM

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