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Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly
Here's the contents of the simplest .csv I've tried to import into MSP:

Back Doors Crying;06-10;

I've also tried a version without the semi-colons at the end of each line
Back Doors Crying;06-10

It appears that MSP throws numerous errors, but only lets me see the final one: "A pages column was not found . . .."

I've also tried a version with singular first row titles and again with capitalized first row titles. No luck. In those cases, the error was something like "None of the columns in the CSV are valid."

Can someone explain what is wrong with the pages column in this simple .CSV? How about how "None of the columns" in these simple CSV's could be valid? This is MADDENING!

The .PDF I point to upon prompting is a perfectly valid .PDF with bookmarks. I had previously imported it in a variety of ways: as a simple file import of the entire pdf (essentially as one "song") and also a PDF bookmarks import. After each successful attempt, I deleted all the created songs & related files (within MSP), so each of my unsuccessful .CSV inputs was into a clean Library to which these 2 songs and the PDF containing them were unknown. I need the CSV import to work consistently. Please help me solve this.

Messages In This Thread
Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly - by KHS - 03-08-2020, 03:44 PM
RE: Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly - by KHS - 03-08-2020, 04:27 PM
RE: Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly - by KHS - 03-08-2020, 04:34 PM
RE: Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly - by KHS - 03-09-2020, 02:53 AM
RE: Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly - by KHS - 03-09-2020, 04:49 AM
RE: Testing CSV Import fails repeatedly - by KHS - 03-10-2020, 04:23 AM

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