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How do you add a break to a setlist?
Other users have asked for the ability to break up setlists in various ways. Some users want to just be able to insert labels (some users want colored labels), other users want setlists to be broken up into sub-sections so that they can calculate the duration of each section, some users want setlists to include other setlist, and others want MobileSheetsPro to insert a page with the words of the break/separator automatically. So adding some of this functionality is on my list, but I'm going to need to narrow down exactly what will be supported and how it will be managed in the UI. You can find a lot of posts on the forums such as these ones:


How are you wanting breaks to function?


Messages In This Thread
How do you add a break to a setlist? - by Xosé - 07-06-2020, 08:41 PM
RE: How do you das a break to a setlist? - by Zubersoft - 07-07-2020, 03:47 AM

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