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Beta testers needed for new annotations functionality
I've uploaded a new build with many fixes including:

1) Better memory management and fixes for random crashes
2) Previously, editing any annotation's properties (specifically those with sliders) would cause many undo/redo entries to be created. This would make it extremely tedious to undo changes made with the sliders. Now, only one undo entry is created once the user releases the slider.
3) Fixed song sorting issue where fields after title were ignored for sorting purposes even if "Use formatted title for sorting" is enabled
4) Fixed copying and pasting annotations between different songs. Disabled copying of embedded PDF annotations.
5) Fixed issue with resizing rectangle using bottom-right corner
6) Edit popup window now displays below the edit bar if there is room on the screen. This ensures that the popup window doesn't cover the annotation while properties are being changed.
7) Edit bar is now repositioned after resizing annotations
8) Fixed resizing of lines so that they now redraw correctly after the start or end point is moved.
9) Text now wraps in the settings popup for labels that are too long (which was happening with some languages)
10) Fixed radial menu to handle longer labels in other languages.
11) Fixed stamp dropdown so that if the application window is too small, it will shrink the preview or hide it entirely if needed so that the dropdown doesn't go off the screen.
12) Fixed issue with changing stamp colors for user provided bitmaps and svgs. Stamp color selection will also now correctly show the opacity.

Known issues:
1) Piano staff tool is no longer allowing it to be dragged around before dragging the width (most likely due to the changes to the crescendo tool)
2) Radial menu cannot be dragged to the edges of the screen when collapsed
3) Some toolbar items can be selected with a right-click when they shouldn't be (i.e. undo and redo)

Hopefully this build will be a lot more stable for users.


Messages In This Thread
RE: Beta testers needed for new annotations functionality - by Zubersoft - 09-29-2020, 12:48 PM
Arrow svg files - by DonC - 10-22-2020, 06:48 AM
RE: Arrow svg files - by Cmart - 10-22-2020, 06:03 PM

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