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Beta testers needed for new annotations functionality
MartinH - Are you seeing the same crash if you just exit the editor (which also saves)? I'm assuming you have the option enabled to edit embedded PDF annotations (or the other to store the annotations in the underlying PDF) though, as you wouldn't see the saving annotations progress dialog otherwise. So I'll enable those settings and perform more tests to see if I can reproduce the issues you are seeing. 

Cmart - I see a crash report related to SVG files, so I'm guessing that is from your device. There shouldn't really be any major limitations, other than the Win2D library's ability to correct read and render the SVG. If you can send one of the problematic SVGs to mike@zubersoft.com, I'll test it out to see where the problem is. I just fixed one piece of code, so that may take care of the crash. I will experiment with changing the decrescendo to draw left-to-right like the crescendo. I didn't know which users would prefer. I also thought about reducing it down to just one tool that lets you drag either right or left, but the problem with that is it would be annoying to draw the minimum size decrescendo, as it would start as a crescendo and you would have to move the pen over to flip it. To paste annotations with a pen, make sure the selection tool is active, long press on the score and you'll see an option to paste. This is the same behavior that was present in the old design. The application needs to know where you want to paste the annotations, so this approach provides a means to specify the location. As far as your suggestions, exporting from selected layers is certainly something I could add support for in the future. I think that's a good suggestion. I also want to add support for resizable slur/tie marks, so that's definitely on the list. 

BRX - I wanted to provide a way to create the entire staff with a single touch gesture, so that was the best thing I could come up. If you have another suggestion for how it can work where you don't have to place the annotation, then resize it as two separate actions, let me know. I can look into adding a way to modify the piano staff in the future, but I don't think that's going to be included in this first pass. It just involves too much complex logic and processing, as it's not like resizing a rectangle or ellipse. 


Messages In This Thread
RE: Beta testers needed for new annotations functionality - by Zubersoft - 09-30-2020, 02:44 AM
Arrow svg files - by DonC - 10-22-2020, 06:48 AM
RE: Arrow svg files - by Cmart - 10-22-2020, 06:03 PM

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