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Database storage in the Cloud
Hi, probably this has been requested already and perhaps there is also a workaround. Happy to learn anything I missed in the docs / forum.

I have my music primarily on my tablet. However raw files (PDF, Scans) come in via OneDrive.

But sometimes I want to look up something on my smartphone or edit something on my PC.

Is there already something going on to have the DB in Onedrive (or other cloud storage)? So I can access my music from any device?

Regards, Dostl.
There isn't an automatic sync option at the moment to keep the same library on multiple devices (my goal is to introduce that later this year). However, if you tap the three dots at the top right corner of the library screen, you will see a "Sync Library" option. Tap that, then tap "Sync to a cloud folder", and you can synchronize your entire library to a folder under OneDrive. You can then sync another device to that same folder and set the sync type to "Update Device". You can then push changes from any device and pull those changes down to another device as needed. It's best if you only make changes on one device at a time between pushing/pulling to keep things perfectly in sync. You may also want to initially create a library backup file on one device under Settings->Backup and Restore->Backup Library and restore that backup on the other device to ensure you have the exact same settings and initial library before synchronizing.

Let me know if you need additional information about this.


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