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Win 8/RT App
I saw a thread from earlier this year (http://zubersoft.com/mobilesheets/forum/...hp?tid=277) that discussed the possibility of Windows app being developed this year. Can we get an update?

Having used MobileSheets on my previous tablet, when I "upgraded" to Windows RT I found that this is the only app I am really missing.
Hi Kevin,

I was aiming to get a Windows 8/RT version out this year, but I've fallen behind in the Android development, so I can't really focus on the Windows 8/RT version until version 5 of Android is done. I am using the Android code as the basis for Windows 8/RT, so I can't really work on the two in parallel at the moment. I'll do my best to get it out as soon as I can.

(12-06-2013, 01:03 PM)Zuberman Wrote: I can't really focus on the Windows 8/RT version until version 5 of Android is done. I am using the Android code as the basis for Windows 8/RT, so I can't really work on the two in parallel at the moment.

Makes sense to me. I look forward to it! Cool
Not sure what is possible. While you can run Linux programs under Windows using Wine, I searched for "android on windows" and found Bluestacks. I dont have an idea if MS is running with that or if Bluestacks is paid software ...
Bluestacks is free and will work with MobileSheets, but it uses a much older version of the Android OS, so the experience is somewhat sub-par.

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