08-26-2023, 03:34 AM
I use MobileSheets to produce vocal and guitar leadsheets for use in practice and live performance. I begin with a saved PDF document on my PC that contains blank music lines shown as TREBLE CLEF STAVES/STAFFS. I pre-save these files with the name of the Title of a Song on my PC. I then import these saved PDF files into MS as a Titled/Blank song file. I then proceed to populate this imported file with various annotation entries, text for Titles, text for Chords, text for Lyrics, music note symbols for illustrating musical note play on the staffs. I use a variety of text font sizes within my music files, depending on what I'm trying to convey, Titles, Intro, Verse, Chords, etc. I proceed to annotate my music files and then they are apparently auto-saved within MS when I complete and come out of the file.
What seems to be happening on occasion, not every time, when I place text identification of the Chords I'm using just above the staff lines, i.e., Fm, or D7, and leave the Music file, when I return to use the saved file, for either editing or performing, the Font Size has changed, on its own. I typically use Font Size of 20 for the main chord indicator, and I capitalize it always. I use Font size of 15 for lower case letters for minor chord, etc., indicators. On various occastions I have noticed all the Font size 20s have changed to something different, from 22 to 26, and the lower case Minors, will change to 16. Without knowing how this happened, I'm forced to manually change all the Chord indicators back to my original Font sizes. Some songs will have an extensive number of chords, which as you can imagine is frustrating and very time consuming. All other text entries do not seem to be affected, Titles, symbols, and other text entries of info value, [pause], [break], etc., are unchanged. Only the Instrument Chords seem to be changing.
I tried to attach a msf of an example file, but it wouldn't allow it.
I attached a PDF of the file for information. The chords in this were originally entered as font size 20, and the indicators as 15. the PDF is showing them as font 22 ane font 16, respectively.
ONE OF THESE NIGHTS.pdf (Size: 324.46 KB / Downloads: 12)
I would like to know if there is a better way of creating these Leadsheets. I like the flexibility of the manual method I'm using, but I need for my entries to remain saved as entered and not changed in some manner.
Also, is there any plans to add a feature to MS that would support a more automated method of creating Leadsheets, i.e., structured Font sizes, and consistant allignment of the Chords entered, etc.
Thanks for your time.
I use MobileSheets to produce vocal and guitar leadsheets for use in practice and live performance. I begin with a saved PDF document on my PC that contains blank music lines shown as TREBLE CLEF STAVES/STAFFS. I pre-save these files with the name of the Title of a Song on my PC. I then import these saved PDF files into MS as a Titled/Blank song file. I then proceed to populate this imported file with various annotation entries, text for Titles, text for Chords, text for Lyrics, music note symbols for illustrating musical note play on the staffs. I use a variety of text font sizes within my music files, depending on what I'm trying to convey, Titles, Intro, Verse, Chords, etc. I proceed to annotate my music files and then they are apparently auto-saved within MS when I complete and come out of the file.
What seems to be happening on occasion, not every time, when I place text identification of the Chords I'm using just above the staff lines, i.e., Fm, or D7, and leave the Music file, when I return to use the saved file, for either editing or performing, the Font Size has changed, on its own. I typically use Font Size of 20 for the main chord indicator, and I capitalize it always. I use Font size of 15 for lower case letters for minor chord, etc., indicators. On various occastions I have noticed all the Font size 20s have changed to something different, from 22 to 26, and the lower case Minors, will change to 16. Without knowing how this happened, I'm forced to manually change all the Chord indicators back to my original Font sizes. Some songs will have an extensive number of chords, which as you can imagine is frustrating and very time consuming. All other text entries do not seem to be affected, Titles, symbols, and other text entries of info value, [pause], [break], etc., are unchanged. Only the Instrument Chords seem to be changing.
I tried to attach a msf of an example file, but it wouldn't allow it.
I attached a PDF of the file for information. The chords in this were originally entered as font size 20, and the indicators as 15. the PDF is showing them as font 22 ane font 16, respectively.

I would like to know if there is a better way of creating these Leadsheets. I like the flexibility of the manual method I'm using, but I need for my entries to remain saved as entered and not changed in some manner.
Also, is there any plans to add a feature to MS that would support a more automated method of creating Leadsheets, i.e., structured Font sizes, and consistant allignment of the Chords entered, etc.
Thanks for your time.