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install issues/discussion
I'm not necessarily looking for a "solution", but wanted to discuss some issues. In my extended band/group of acquaintances, we have probably two iPad licenses, two Android licenses and three Windows licenses. I often run 8 Windows tablets from one server and turn pages for the entire band.

So, that said, I wanted to put MobileSheets on my main desktop computer, which will be useful for inputting new songs. (I do ave MobileCompanion installed, but I haven't found it particularly useful.)

The problem is that my Windows11 is broken and I cannot log into Windows Strore. (This is a separate issue that Dell cannot seem to solve.) Store works for free apps, but rejects sign-in attempts. So, I cannot retrieve an additional copy of MobileSheets (still within my license # of units), nor can I purchase another copy should I choose to do so.

I came up with another plan, as Windows11 has an Android subsystem, which is running in my Windows11. But, that is linked to Amazon Store and not Google Store (and I am not certain I wish to install Google Store even if I could do so. (Ever since I installed the DuckDuckGo privacy extension and could see the vast amount of tracking and data given out by Android Apps, I really try to limit my Android use.)

So, I don't know if MobileSheets can, or is willing to provide an EXE installer at some price point, but that would make my life simpler. Or alternatively, an Android installer that is a free standing apk version rather than one that is purchased through Google Play.


(Great program, BTW, with really well thought-out features...)

I'll take a moment to reply to a discussion I had on a different thread (since I'm here now) ... I had asked about "enter" via my pedal. Well, the reply I got was right and wrong, sort of. The reason is, I have a 4 pedal Airtouch that has multiple "modes". So, the default is called something like "Airtouch direct" or whatever, and is a set of instructions both the pedal and MobileSheets understand -- but does not explicitly send "key equivalents". (I set the actions I want in the MobileSheets pedal setup page).  If I change to another mode, then each pedal can be set to a key equivalent, whereupon I will have an "enter" pedal. But, I decided to leave well enough alone for now...
I sell a version of MobileSheets for both Android and Windows through my FastSpring store here: https://zubersoft.onfastspring.com/

It uses a license key instead of an account, so there is no dependency on the Microsoft Store or Google Play Store. It sounds like that should work for what you need.


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