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Screen bottom-edge problem when interacting with Metronome

In the recent version(s) on Android, 3.8.14, when interacting with the metronome window, the (full-) page scaling is sometimes changing. Or, just now, clicking on the drop-down select menu in the metronome for stored tempi is causing a strange redraw bug down in the lowest part of the screen. 

I'm on a Samsung tablet. The scaling is set to full-screen.

Here, the normal appearance: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/08ihzr1jq...jrrkl&dl=0

Here, the "shortened" version: 

And here, the most recent misdraw after clicking on the tempo-select menu...

Restarting the tablet had no effect. I can still reproduce this last redraw bug. Dismissing the tempo-select drop-down clears the problem (redraws the bottom correctly).

Here a three-second video that shows this in action. The MobileSheets icon normally appears in the "bottom bar" of the screen (swiping up reveals it) -- it's the only app presently running on the tablet...

Best wishes,

Which Samsung tablet is that and what OS version is it running? It looks like to me like the navigation bar is being displayed at the bottom of the screen when you tap the dropdown. This is the source of the drawing issues. If I can reproduce the issue, the fix would be for me to force the navigation bar to hide again if it's displayed when the dropdown is displayed. I'm basically fighting with the default OS behavior, and the default behavior for the dropdown which is built into the spinner control (as Google calls it).

(10-14-2023, 01:40 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: Which Samsung tablet is that and what OS version is it running?

(Sorry, was distracted for a couple days.)

Galaxy Tab S7+ (SM-T970)
I'm making some changes to stop those dropdowns from making the navigation bar visible. Hopefully this is all that is necessary to prevent the problem.

(10-17-2023, 03:53 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: I'm making some changes to stop those dropdowns from making the navigation bar visible. Hopefully this is all that is necessary to prevent the problem.

Looking just fine, here! And thanks, too, for the audio-player positioning fix.
You are very welcome! Thanks for reporting those issues.

Here's another problem with a shifting bottom edge in full-screen mode (same tablet as above), which I am posting here on the chance that it might be somehow related. In this case I am opening the annotation editor, then opening the parameters screen for the line draw, then closing it. With each action, the bottom edge of the music page (but also the top edge position, I believe) jumps.

MS Version: 3.8.17

It looks like that is caused by you having dim the navigation bar/hide the navigation bar enabled, but "Fullscreen mode" is off. MobileSheets is incorrectly hiding the status bar at the top when you tap the dropdown. I'll look into getting that fixed with a small update (I won't bump the version number for this).

(11-03-2023, 03:21 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: It looks like that is caused by you having dim the navigation bar/hide the navigation bar enabled, but "Fullscreen mode" is off. MobileSheets is incorrectly hiding the status bar at the top when you tap the dropdown.

Further information... a couple releases ago I believe I switched from "Hide Navigation Bar" to "Dim Navigation Bar" as "Hide" was also hiding the status bar at the top of the screen. When I switch to "Hide", the problem goes away --- but the status bar also is gone!

I personally like having the status bar always visible -- it takes away very little screen real estate, but provides battery status and a clock.

So, I can confirm that this bug only happens with the "Dim Navigation Bar" (and "Full Screen Mode" off) setting. The "cause" appears to be as you have noted.

MobileSheets 3.8.17
Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+ (SM-T970), Android 13 (One UI 5.1.1)

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