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Scrolling Start/Stop
Hello everyone,

First of all, I would like to warmly greet all Zubersoft employees and all users of this forum.
I'm brand new to this forum, but I've been using my MobileSheets on my S7E tablet for a while and I'm very happy with it.

However, I have one request for the programmers:
If I have successfully started scrolling for a sheet of music or text via my Bluetooth footswitch,  I see a small message on the display that the scrolling has started.
But if I want to switch off the scrolling because the playing must be interrupted for some reason, I don't see any feedback and therefore don't know whether it is stopped or not. Sometimes it stopps, sometimes it won't, I do not get any feedback for that.
It would be nice if manually stopping scrolling could also generate a short message on the display, just like when I start it.

Maybe there is a way to add such a feature.
Thanks in advance and best regards,
Hello Enni,

I am the sole creator and developer of MobileSheets (Michael Zuber). If you start automatic scrolling with a pedal, then press the pedal again to stop it, it should always work so long as you haven't pressed the pedal twice within the debounce period (which can be set under Settings->Touch & Pedal Settings->Pedal Actions).  Other users have asked for a status indicator when scrolling is active, so I'm going to be adding that soon. This will also act as a way for you to know that scrolling has stopped. I don't believe a separate message is required if that status indicator is available, but let me know if you disagree and would still like the message.

Best regards,
Hi Mike,

thanks very much for your quick response.
I would appriciate any way that shows, in what way ever, that a previously started scrolling has stopped now.
So I am gladly looking forward to any addon in that direction, thanks for that it advance.

Best regards,

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