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Bar to bar adjustement
Hi everyone, 

Since i'm working with a 12" pad, i would like to know if it's possible to automaticaly zoom to adjust the score to full screen from the left bar to the right bar. 
I've already dig the settings and set up everything to maximize the utilisation of the screen itself (fullscreen scaled), but it still display the margin, and i don't need them since it make the whole score smaller. 

There is an example so you can see what i'm taking about. Thank you and sorry for the mistakes since i'm not english.

[Image: exemple.png]
Can't you use the crop tool?

tap center of a song to display top and bottom menu lines
2nd icon from bottom left (2 hills in a square box)

You can also choose to auto-crop the song when you import it (recommended)

I quite often tweak my autocropped region but that is a matter of preference

Samsung Galaxy Tab A6
You need to crop the pages yourself, or you can try to use the automatic cropping. Load your score, tap the center of the screen to bring up the song overlay, tap the second icon at the bottom left, tap "Crop" and then you can crop out the margins or tap the "Auto crop" option to see if it will do it for you automatically.


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