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A:  Institute a way of naming a feature by hovering/mousing over (or long pressing) it's icon. 

B:  Put a button in a place that works well that can be pressed, moused over etc. that puts a subtle overlay on the screen so users can find the various "zones" to press to get alternative screens and menus. 

C: A channel that does:  Double tap to advance page, double tap to go back a page.  Sometimes it gets too easy to push a pedal and end up 3 or four pages ahead.   

I am in a couple of community bands and Church.  In this, the Christmas Season, I have so many concerts I have to check my calendar to see which group I'm playing with.   Tongue   With everyone wearing All Black now for concert attire, it gets easy for me to get befuddled.  I need to have my menus ed.al labeled a little better, because I get confused easily.
A. Adding tooltips is on my list of things to do, but it's complicated with a touch interface especially when I already support long pressing some icons to trigger different functionality.

B. I'm not sure I understand what you mean. Are you saying you want icons that pop up menus to be highlighted when that other button is pressed? I'm going to need some more concrete examples of what you are thinking.

C. Are you asking for a new kind of pedal action that triggers only after a double press? Or when you say "tap", do you literally want touch actions that are triggered with a double tap? I'm confused because you first mentioned tapping, but then mentioned your pedal.


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