A: Institute a way of naming a feature by hovering/mousing over (or long pressing) it's icon.
B: Put a button in a place that works well that can be pressed, moused over etc. that puts a subtle overlay on the screen so users can find the various "zones" to press to get alternative screens and menus.
C: A channel that does: Double tap to advance page, double tap to go back a page. Sometimes it gets too easy to push a pedal and end up 3 or four pages ahead.
I am in a couple of community bands and Church. In this, the Christmas Season, I have so many concerts I have to check my calendar to see which group I'm playing with.
With everyone wearing All Black now for concert attire, it gets easy for me to get befuddled. I need to have my menus ed.al labeled a little better, because I get confused easily.
B: Put a button in a place that works well that can be pressed, moused over etc. that puts a subtle overlay on the screen so users can find the various "zones" to press to get alternative screens and menus.
C: A channel that does: Double tap to advance page, double tap to go back a page. Sometimes it gets too easy to push a pedal and end up 3 or four pages ahead.
I am in a couple of community bands and Church. In this, the Christmas Season, I have so many concerts I have to check my calendar to see which group I'm playing with.