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Two-page view, consistent RH vs LH pagination
When viewing in 2-page mode, I've found that the RH/LH pagination (which page of music consistently appears on the RH vs LH side, like odd page numbers in printed scores are always on the RH) is generally consistent when paging through a score.  However, the RH/LH pattern will switch if you use the Page scroll pop-up to jump to an even page number, because that page is now placed on the LH side, and it switches back when you jump to an odd number.  

I find I'm very reliant on physical layout of the page, and when the pages get reversed it is a little disorienting (and it also changes where the page turns land).  When scrolling to a new page, I try to always select an odd number so as not to disrupt the natural pagination, but it can be tricky to do so if I'm in a hurry or if there are many pages in the score.  (I also insert a blank page as p1 when needed to make sure odd page numbers fall on the RH side).

Is there a way (maybe a settings option?) to lock in the RH/LH pagination so it will remain consistent and cannot be accidentally reversed by jumping to a page?  i.e. jumping to an even page would mean that it appears on the RH side instead of on the LH.

Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
Update: could also deal with the RH/LH pagination with a method for turning only a single page, even when in double-page turn mode?  Like a one-time switch of the even/odd pagination.  The page slider is too touchy to reliably do so when there's more than a couple dozen pages in the file.
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
I can certainly look into adding a setting to always force odd pages to be on the right when using the two page display.


This is a pretty important function to have. Most music editors and scribes have invested many many hours aligning blocks of rests with page turns when able to do so to make pieces as playable as possible which is all undone when page 1 appears on the left. It is still important with quicker digital page turns as players will be scanning a number of bars ahead of play.

PDF versions of pieces do not always retain the key deliberately blank page meaning the first page in the file would have been page 2 in hard copy form and therefore on the left side. Some PDF readers have an 'odd pages left/right' toggle in dual page view. This setting combined with two-page turns should help here.

The preferences here will likely be different for each file which could be complex. Is it easier to add a function to insert a strategic blank page (or copy of another non-blank page for readability) at the start of the file, or another chosen point to fix these issues?
I want to support both. The next update (which I'm finishing up today) will let users easily insert blank pages into their PDFs if they so desire. A later update will add the ability to force the odd page to be on the right, but I'm not sure if this will be a global setting or something that can be overriden per piece. If I make it a completely different display mode (versus just a toggle), then users can override the display mode for pieces that don't need the first odd page on the right. If there isn't a need to override this per piece, then it could just be a simple setting for the two page display mode that applies to all pieces.

(10-25-2023, 03:26 AM)Zubersoft Wrote: I want to support both. The next update (which I'm finishing up today) will let users easily insert blank pages into their PDFs if they so desire. A later update will add the ability to force the odd page to be on the right, but I'm not sure if this will be a global setting or something that can be overriden per piece. If I make it a completely different display mode (versus just a toggle), then users can override the display mode for pieces that don't need the first odd page on the right. If there isn't a need to override this per piece, then it could just be a simple setting for the two page display mode that applies to all pieces.


FWIW, as someone who plays in many settings, scores for musicals and other stage shows are almost universally odd page on the right (assuming page 1 is the starting page of the actual music).
BUT 3 or 4 page parts on a single A3 sheet can be either page 1 to the right OR page 1 on the left, depending how the A3 sheet was printed.

Thus, a per piece setting would be the most useful.
You're only paranoid if you're wrong  Cool
I'm using an Onyx Boox Tab X, and play low brass: mainly 'Bone and Tuba
That's great.

The ability to insert pages into a piece should allow users to easily correct the original page turns for a particular piece giving the preferred behaviour from existing global settings.
Hi! I'm wondering if this global or per-piece setting has been released yet?  I haven't seen it yet, but I may have missed something.  Looking forward to this improvement when it can be made!
Samsung Galaxy Tab S8 Ultra
It has not been released yet. I've been focused on implementing the face gesture support as well as iPhone support as I get very frequent requests for those. I've wrapped this up, but still have to finish things on the Windows side. 


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