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Sync phone and ipad plus video
Does mobile sheets sync between phone and iPad?
Can you add youtube videos to watch performances that match the music?

There isn't an automatic synchronization option yet (that's going to be added later this year) but you can manually sync your library either over WiFi or using the iCloud. Just tap the three dots at the top right corner of the library screen, then Sync Library and then "Synchronize to a device" to use WiFi and "Synchronize to a cloud folder" to use iCloud. Video support has not been added yet but it's on the list.

Hi Teachandtravel,

in the meanwhile: if you just use Apples built-in functionality of going to fullscreen on the video and then exiting brings up this little preview-window that also plays over MobileSheets. That should give you what you want (although I personally prefer to just listen to the music in order to have more screen space open for the sheet music).

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