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MobileSheets Version 3.8.26 Released
Version 3.8.26 has been released for Android, Windows and iOS. I've been negligent about posting release notes over the last month or two as I was working through some very difficult problems related to the face gesture functionality which consumed a great deal of time. I'm happy to announce that as of version 3.8.25, face gesture functionality was added in the Windows version and is now available on all three platforms. I am still waiting for feedback from the company that makes the PDF library I use as to whether I'll be able to add back the face gesture functionality on iPads that don't support ARKit. The full release notes for versions 3.8.17 through 3.8.26 can be found below:

Android v3.8.26
  • Fixed issue with not being able to switch languages in the Google Play version.
  • The face gesture functionality is now disabled while annotating
  • Fixed bug with exporting to Dropbox when using the option to use song titles for filenames
  • The song ID field is now correctly populated while importing a .msf file
  • Fixed issue with highlight annotations being converted to pen annotations when importing a .msf file
  • Fixed issue with positioning of popup when tapping the help icons in the annotation settings window
  • Fixed issue with default capo settings not displaying the first label correctly
  • Fixed issue with converting blank pages to PDF
Windows v3.8.26
  • Fixed several crashes that could occur while using the face gesture feature
  • Fixed incorrect handling of device rotation with the face gesture feature
  • The face gesture functionality is now disabled while annotating
  • Fixed bug with exporting to Dropbox when using the option to use song titles for filenames
  • The song ID field is now correctly populated while importing a .msf file
  • Fixed issue with highlight annotations being converted to pen annotations when importing a .msf file
  • Fixed issue with converting blank pages to PDF
  • Fixed issue with incorrect language being shown for some languages with the release notes
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.26
  • Fixed bug where pedals sending a left arrow/right arrow key would shift the screen
  • The face gesture functionality is now disabled while annotating
  • Fixed bug with exporting to Dropbox when using the option to use song titles for filenames
  • The song ID field is now correctly populated while importing a .msf file
  • Fixed issue with highlight annotations being converted to pen annotations when importing a .msf file
  • Fixed issue with default capo settings not displaying the first label correctly
  • Fixed issue with converting blank pages to PDF
  • Fixed incorrect selection state on the face gesture configuration screen
Android v3.8.25
  • Added new setting to control the rate at which images are processed for face gestures.
  • Throttling the update rate significantly reduces CPU usage while using the face gesture feature
  • Users must now be mostly looking at the tablet camera in order to use the face gesture feature - this prevents false positives while turning your head
  • The '?' symbol in the alphabet list is now at the start instead of the end. This selects a random entry.
  • Fixed potential crash while entering values in the song title formatting value
  • Fixed issue with groups being deleted while synchronizing with the merge behavior set to only new songs and groups
  • Fixed issue with three finger tap not working in the annotation editor under certain circumstances
  • Fixed issue with the multi-selection dialog being sized incorrectly and requiring an extra tap to resize on newer Android tablets
  • Fixed issue with library window settings icon not being visible when using night mode or the dark theme
  • Pages will now animate when the overlay is displayed, gradually moving or scaling down as needed
Windows v3.8.25
  • Added support for face gestures. A new section can be found on the settings screen for this.
  • Added setting to control the rate at which images are processed for face gestures in order to reduce CPU usage.
  • The '?' symbol in the alphabet list is now at the start instead of the end. This selects a random entry.
  • Fixed issue with groups being deleted while synchronizing with the merge behavior set to only new songs and groups
  • Fixed issue with library window settings icon not being visible when using night mode or the dark theme
  • Added touch action to enable or disable face gestures
  • Fixed error with the library window positioning that occurred after device rotation
  • Pages will now animate when the overlay is displayed with the vertical scrolling display mode, smoothly shifting the page down as needed
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.25
  • Fixed issue where the group editor would incorrectly account for the virtual keyboard if it was left up before entering the editor
  • Added touch action to enable or disable face gestures
  • Fixed issue with synchronizing files using iCloud between MacOS and iOS
  • Users must now be mostly looking at the tablet camera in order to use the face gesture feature - this prevents false positives while turning your head
  • Fixed delay that could occur the very first time a song/piece is loaded in the application
  • The '?' symbol in the alphabet list is now at the start instead of the end. This selects a random entry.
  • Fixed issue with populating keywords, custom and custom2 using PDF metadata while batch importing
  • Fixed issue with long pressing alphabet letters to spell out a word not showing the letters selected
  • Fixed issue with groups being deleted while synchronizing with the merge behavior set to only new songs and groups
  • Fixed issue with converting blank pages to PDF
  • Fixed issue with library window settings icon not being visible when using night mode or the dark theme
  • Pages will now animate when the overlay is displayed with the vertical scrolling display mode, smoothly shifting the page down as needed
  • Fixed issue with pango href links being converted to all lowercase
Android v3.8.24
  • Added new setting for using CPU or GPU for face detection. The default is now CPU on most devices.
  • Using the CPU for face detection fixes the long initialization time on Chromebooks and some other tablets.
  • Fixed issue with annotation settings window dropdowns for stylus and touch actions
  • Added touch action to enable or disable face gestures
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.24
  • Reverted changes due to conflicts between PDF library and face gesture detection library on older devices
  • Face gesture support has been disabled again on older devices until these conflicts can be resolved
  • Fixed crash with some PDFs
Android v3.8.22
  • Fixed issue with face gestures not working on devices with a 64-bit intel processor such as some Chromebooks
  • Made some small adjustments to some face gestures to make them easier to trigger
  • Fixed issue where changing songs does not reset the current smart button index for pedal actions
  • Fixed issue with populating the custom and custom2 fields from PDF metadata during a batch import
Windows v3.8.22
  • Added Korean translation
  • Fixed issue where changing songs does not reset the current smart button index for pedal actions
  • Fixed issue with populating the custom and custom2 fields from PDF metadata during a batch import
  • Fixed issue with multiple values in the keys field not being properly read at startup
  • Fixed issue that can occur while tapping the back button in the cropping editor when displayed from the song editor
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.22
  • Face gesture support has been added for older devices through the use of a separate library
  • Added Korean translation
  • Fixed issue where changing songs does not reset the current smart button index for pedal actions
  • Fixed issue with populating the custom and custom2 fields from PDF metadata during a batch import
  • Fixed issue with multiple values in the keys field not being properly read at startup
Android v3.8.21
  • Significantly improved face detection accuracy by switching to a different framework
  • Removed unnecessary face detection settings such as gesture recording.
  • The test face gesture dialog no longer shows blue dots on the face
  • Added Korean and Romanian translations
  • Fixed errors with the default bluetooth MIDI library on Android 14 and higher devices
  • Fixed incorrect chord pro indentation for chorus sections
  • Fixed error that could occur when saving out a PDF when "Allow editing of embedded PDF annotations" is enabled
  • Fixed error with the library window positioning that occurred after device rotation
Windows v3.8.21
  • Added Romanian translation
  • Fixed incorrect chord pro indentation for chorus sections
  • Fixed error that could occur when saving out a PDF when "Allow editing of embedded PDF annotations" is enabled
  • Fixed issue with inconsistent sorting on Windows compared to Android
  • Fixed issue with pasting annotations when in windowed mode
  • Fixed error with the library window positioning that occurred after device rotation
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.21
  • The face gesture features are now only visible on devices with a TrueDepth camera and A12 or higher processor
  • Added Romanian translation
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.20
  • Added support for face gestures. A new section can be found on the settings screen for this.
  • Face gestures can be used to trigger actions such as turning pages
  • MobileSheets now supports the iPhone. All of the user interfaces have been modified to work on smaller screens.
  • Fixed issue with some PDFs not displaying correctly
  • Fixed bug where the screen could turn off during a long file download due to the idle timer not being disabled
  • Fixed bug where embedded annotations may saved in a hidden state if the option is enabled to edit embedded PDF annotations
  • Fixed issue with the library window not correctly handling orientation changes
  • Fixed issue with chorus sections not being correctly indented in chord pro files
Android v3.8.19
  • Added support for face gestures. A new section can be found on the settings screen for this.
  • Face gestures can be used to trigger actions such as turning pages. Face gestures are only supported on Android 6.0 or higher
  • Fixed issue with half page divider being moved incorrectly after exiting the annotations editor with a zoomed in page
  • Fixed issue where tapping on the edges of a page in the annotations editor with the panning tool could incorrectly trigger a page turn
  • Fixed issue where using the image correction feature would cause issues with PDFs shared by multiple songs.
  • The page ordering UI will now prompt users if a file is going to be modified
  • Added option to "Save as New PDF" to the page ordering UI. This will save the changes under a PDF with a different name.
  • Added new button to the page ordering UI to add the next page in the PDF if it's not currently present in the page order
  • Fixed issue with pages potentially shifting when entering the annotations editor with a zoomed in page
  • Added new setting to automatically embed annotations in PDFs. Note that this is turned back off when the application is closed as a safety precaution
  • Fixed issue with text search filter not being properly cleared after selecting a group
  • Fixed issue with page ordering user interface saving PDFs without any modifications
  • Fixed issue with exported blank pages having incorrect colors
  • Added support for %KEYWORDS% in the song title format string
Windows v3.8.19
  • Fixed issue with half page divider being moved incorrectly after exiting the annotations editor with a zoomed in page
  • Fixed issue where some PDFs would not load correctly with certain settings
  • Fixed issue where tapping on the edges of a page in the annotations editor with the panning tool could incorrectly trigger a page turn
  • The page ordering UI will now prompt users if a file is going to be modified
  • Fixed issue with library synchronization not properly transferring custom stamps
  • Fixed issue with converting multiple files to PDF that would cause errors
  • Added option to "Save as New PDF" to the page ordering UI. This will save the changes under a PDF with a different name.
  • Added new button to the page ordering UI to add the next page in the PDF if it's not currently present in the page order
  • Fixed issue with pages potentially shifting when entering the annotations editor with a zoomed in page
  • Fixed issue with screen turning off while a library backup is being restored
  • Added new setting to automatically embed annotations in PDFs. Note that this is turned back off when the application is closed as a safety precaution
  • Fixed issue with text search filter not being properly cleared after selecting a group
  • Fixed issue with page ordering user interface saving PDFs without any modifications
  • Added support for %KEYWORDS% in the song title format string
iOS/iPadOS/MacOS v3.8.19
  • Complete overhaul of the page ordering UI with many new features. This can also now be accessed from the song overlay.
  • The new UI allows blank pages, templates and other files to be inserted into the middle of a PDF, as well as other library files
  • Added new option to combine files into a single PDF in the song editor
  • Added new option to apply image correction to existing PDFs and images in the song editor
  • Added new option to convert images or chord pro files into a PDF in the song editor
  • The page order field can be long pressed to directly enter a page order for small changes
  • Added settings dialog for the library window. It can now be collapsed or closed after selecting an entry
  • Long pressing on the display mode icon now provides a popup to quickly change the current mode
  • Long pressing on the scaling mode icon now provides a popup to quickly change the current mode
  • A capo specified in a chord pro file will now default to not transposing chords unless the eye icon is tapped
  • Fixed bug where the radial menu could be positioned off the screen
  • Fixed bug with the Genos linking functionality when using the German translation
  • Fixed bugs with custom colors in the color selection dialog
  • Fixed issue with automatically reconnecting devices at startup using the Connect Tablets feature
  • Added setting to automatically embed annotations in the annotations editor - note that is always disabled when the application is loaded as a safety precaution, and must be manually enabled
  • Fixed error that could occur while exporting a setlist containing text or chord pro files
  • Fixed placement issues with smart buttons, especially while zoomed in.
  • Fixed issue where it was not possible to cycle through smart buttons using pedal actions
  • Fixed issue where scrolling could continue for a short period even after switching automatically scrolling off
  • The "Show Library Window" touch and pedal action will now toggle between showing and hiding the window
  • Fixed issue that could cause duplicate songs in groups after synchronizing
  • The automatic cropping feature will now correctly handle small images that are less than half the screen width and/or height
  • Fixed issue that could cause failures when importing some msf files
  • The bookmarks tab will no longer display captions if they have been disabled in the song title formatting dialog
  • Fixed bug where scrolling inertia could be applied incorrectly to pages in certain situations
  • Fixed issue with the vertical scrolling display mode where pages would not turn when using bottom aligned pages in some scenarios
  • Fixed issue where the option to scroll a song in a fixed amount of time would not correctly default to the song duration when importing a chord pro file
  • Fixed issue where a user could set the next up song bar background to be white, hiding the text and configuration icon
  • Fixed issue with half page divider changing positions when exiting annotations editor with a zoomed in page
  • Added support for %KEYWORDS% width song title formatting
  • Added option to mirror pages horizontally
Windows v3.8.18
  • Fixed issue with PDF library causing MobileSheets to freeze and rendering errors
Android v3.8.17
  • Fixed bug with navigation bar being incorrectly hidden when accessing popups
  • Added improvements for importing CSV files. You can now select both a CSV and PDF at the same time
  • MobileSheets will prompt for a PDF if a matching file is not found for a selected csv
  • Fixed error that could occur while exporting a setlist containing text or chord pro files
Windows v3.8.17
  • Fixed performance issues with the dialog shown when inserting a file from another song on the page ordering screen
  • Fixed error with adding multiple files or blank pages/templates on the page ordering screen
  • Added improvements for importing CSV files. You can now select both a CSV and PDF at the same time
  • Fixed error that could occur while exporting a setlist containing text or chord pro files
  • Fixed bug with highlight annotations

On a side note, some users with Surface Pro X devices have encountered a problem where highlight annotations appear "smeared". I am in the process of obtaining a Surface Pro X device so that I can properly test this. It is most likely due to the fact that I am no longer distributing a native ARM version of MobileSheets. This is due to third party libraries I'm utilizing that don't have ARM64 versions of their software available, so I am only releasing MobileSheets as an x86 and x64 application, and relying on Windows emulation to allow this to run on ARM devices like the Surface Pro X. The reason I have made this switch is that Microsoft is ending support for 32-bit ARM applications: https://winbuzzer.com/2023/07/14/microso...11-xcxwbn/


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