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Song Start Cue
Hello, I use MobileSheets to keep up with my bands setlist on stage (lead singer). I have a BT page turner that flips to the next song during performances. Each song start triggers midi events that set my vocal effects pedal, guitarists and bassists Helix effects pedal to the the appropriate settings for each song. It also starts a predefined cue within our LightFactory application that controls our lights. I recently introduced a SoundBrenner metronoe midi cue to give my drummer metronome in his ear. The last piece of this puzzle is to signal each song start. (So I can start programming individual light shows for each song, and possibly add on stage monitors using VisiBox to show videos on stage). 

I need some ideas for signaling song start. This will line up my light show for each song. I already have a MidiCaptain pedal up front where i can control lights using midi... but i also do not want to be inundated with pushing the pedal each time my drummer clicks us in. Any ideas? Thanks! Smile
What is the requirement for signaling the song start? Do you just need to send a MIDI message, or is it more complex than that? If you just need to send a MIDI message, then you could do that with a smart button.


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